What is Indie film hustle?
IFH is the #1 FREE filmmaking resource for up-to-date content, resources, tools, and courses that will help you on your path. We show filmmakers, screenwriters and film creatives how to survive and thrive in the film industry. We are honored to help people no matter what stage they are on in their journey.
Learn how hustle, truth, and knowledge can take you anywhere.

the latest Content to help level up your skills
In the IFH Blog we cover, directing, producing, film distribution, post production, screenwriting, short films, filmmaking terms and more you need to strive in the film industry.
Conversations With Top Filmmakers, Industry Leaders And More
From Oscar® winning filmmakers and screenwriters, to tips and tricks on making it in the business, to the craft of storytelling, to how to make a living as a film creative, we've got you covered. Downloads for the show place it in the Top 1% of ALL Podcasts World-Wide.

Oscar® Winning Writer/Director
(Platoon, Wall Street, JFK)
Oscar® Winning Screenwriter
(Forrest Gump, Dune)
Oscar® Winning Writers & Directors
(Everything, Everywhere, All At Once)
(Shaun of the Dead, Baby Driver)
Oscar® Nominated Writer/Director
(Boyhood, School of Rock)
Oscar® Nominated Producer
(Get Out, Whiplash, The Purge)
Bulletproof Screenwriting Podcast

Bulletproof Screenwriting Podcast
Weekly interviews with Oscar® and Emmy® award-winning screenwriters, story specialists, best-selling authors, Hollywood agents and managers, and industry insiders. We cover every aspect of the screenwriting process. Downloads of the show place it in the Top 1% of ALL Podcasts worldwide.

The Ultimate film distribution blueprint
This masterclass will guide you through the entire film distribution journey. It will show you how to protect yourself from bad & predatory deals and much more.
by alex ferrari
IFH Publishes books that help you on your creative journey
Not only has our founder Alex Ferrari written two Amazon best-selling books, but he also wanted to publish other top industry authors to help the IFH Tribe on their filmmaking and screenwriting path.

rise of the filmtrepreneur
Do you want to turn your indie film into a profitable business? In my new book I breakdown how to actually make money with your film projects. If you are making a feature film, series or any video content, The Filmtrepreneur Method will set you up for success.

shooting for the mob
A bipolar gangster, a naive, young film director, and Batman. What could go wrong? Alex Ferrari is a first-time film director who just got hired to direct a $20 million feature film, the only problem is the film is about Jimmy, an egomaniacal gangster who wants the film to be about his life in the mob. Based on a true story.
Ascenso del Cineasta Empresarial
El futuro del cine independiente es el cineasta empresarial o Filmtrepreneur. En el ascenso del cineasta empresarial, el autor y cineasta Alex Ferrari analiza cómo se puede ganar dinero con proyectos independientes y muestra a los cineastas cómo convertir sus películas en negocios rentables.
No todo es teoría, Alex utiliza múltiples estudios de casos del mundo real para ilustrar cada parte de su método. Este libro muestra, paso a paso, como convertir tu pasión por el cine en una carrera rentable. Si estás haciendo un largometraje, una serie o cualquier tipo de contenido de vídeo, el Método Filmtrepreneur te llevará al éxito.
World's 1st streaming service for filmmakers & screenwriters
It's Netflix for the Film Industry
Access hundreds of hours of filmmaking documentaries, features, exclusive interviews, online courses, workshops & seminars. If you want to learn about screenwriting, directing actors, cameras and lenses, film distribution, or how to become a Filmtrepreneur, we have you covered.
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Screenwriting Video Series
with David Goyer, Nia Vadarious, Paul Haggis & Callie Khouri