
IFH 023: Crowdfunding Your Indie Film Like a Pro with Emily Best

Crowdfunding has always been a mystery to me. I never really understood how Filmtrepreneurs could raise $50,000, $100,000 or $1,000,000 to … Read more

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IFH 022: Does Your Indie Film Have an Audience?

I’m never surprised anymore when I speak to filmmakers or Filmtrepreneurs and ask them one simple but powerful question, Does … Read more

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IFH 021: Wakaliwood: Uganda’s Quentin Tarantino

Imagine you were back in the early 1900s when the film industry was a newborn. People were learning and experimenting … Read more

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IFH 020: Why Indie Filmmakers Should NOT Shoot with a 4K Camera!

(Unless you can handle the workflow) Now I’m not talking about the compress 4k files you get from a DSLR … Read more

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IFH 019: How to Make Terrifying Horror Films with Edwin Pagan

Making scary independent horror films in the current marketplace is difficult to say the least. Today’s sophisticated audiences are getting harder … Read more

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IFH 018: Don’t only hire DPs because they own a RED Camera!

Now before I get a bunch of hate mail please let me explain. I love cinematographers. You can’t make a … Read more

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IFH 017: Indie Film Distribution on VOD with Linda Nelson

The world of film distribution is filled with unknown landmines. Even more mysterious is how an indie filmmaker can get their … Read more

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IFH 016: Getting Attention from Influencers – Roger Ebert Story

I always get asked by indie filmmakers: “How do I get attention for my indie film?” This is one of the major … Read more

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IFH 015: AFM: Selling Your Independent Film with Ben Yennie

If you have ever looked into selling your film at a film market then you more than likely have heard … Read more

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IFH 014: Post Production Workflow – Understand it or DIE!

I know I’m being a bit dramatic when I say… “Understand Post Production Workflow or DIE!” …but I’ve seen and been … Read more

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Free Training of The Week


How to Produce a Profitable Low Budget Feature Film

By Suzanne Lyons

Join veteran producer Suzanne Lyons as she shows you the three key secrets to produce a successful and profitable independent film.

Learn From Film Industry Professionals

Watch free webinars taught by leading industry professionals who are here to help you on your filmmaking and screenwriting path.

Alex Ferrari

Film Distribution Expert

(Rise of the Filmtrepreneur)

James V. Hart


(Dracula, Hook, Tomb Raider)

Suzanne Lyons

Producer & Best Selling Author

(Indie Film Producing)

Suki Medencevic A.S.C


(American Horror Story)